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07.22.2014 | DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings

Various terrorist attacks over the last 30 years have considerably increased the perceived risk of similar incidents at other facilities, especially those routinely occupied by military personnel. Mitigation of this threat has traditionally been the exclusive domain of a few highly specialized firms and individuals, but today it is important that "ordinary" structural engineers have at least some awareness and capability in this area. Originally issued on 31 July 2002, Department of Defense (DoD) Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-010-01 was the first widely available publication that provided practical design and construction guidance for reducing the vulnerability of structures to terrorist attacks. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the latest edition of that document, dated 9 February 2012 and revised 1 October 2013, with particular emphasis on the most significant changes from the previous version and how they impact the structural design of DoD inhabited buildings.