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01.18.2022 | The Structural Engineer's Role in Getting to Net Zero

Embodied carbon has become a major topic of conversation within the A/E/C industry. Low-carbon construction is entering our design conversations and building codes with structural engineers being looked at to reduce their project’s embodied carbon and with the first low-carbon concrete code in the US adopted in Marin County, California. Additionally, through the SE 2050 commitment program, structural engineering firms like Holmes and Datum Engineers are committing to reach net zero embodied carbon structures by 2050. With the push for lower embodied carbon structures, structural engineers play a vital role in getting to net zero. This presentation will explore advances the structural engineering profession is making toward net zero embodied carbon structures, discuss the top actions structural engineers can take to reduce the embodied carbon in their projects, and discuss how structural engineers can make wiser design choices to reduce emissions.

  • Course will award 1.5 hours of continuing education
  • This course is Diamond Review approved in 49 states. New York does not accept hours from recordings.