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02.09.2023 | Repair, Defer, or No Action: Leveraging Structure Movement Monitoring for Efficient Capital Planning and Decision Making

Visual distress symptoms can be alarming to building owners. Many times these symptoms lead to costly and disruptive repairs, however not all distress symptoms are equal. In many situations, structure movement monitoring can help an Engineer evaluate these concerns and develop targeted and timely recommendations, providing tremendous value to the Owner. Sloped floors, racked windows and doors, or step-cracks in masonry and foundation walls can be indicative of a variety of problems. The symptoms could be a sign of structural distress in need of immediate and emergency repair or conversely may be the remnant of movement that occurred some time ago and has stabilized. An effective structure monitoring program helps Owners understand the source of distress, serves as a tool to document symptoms over time, and ultimately helps the Owner and its Engineer make decisions about the timeliness of repairs needed, if any. Structure movement monitoring can also be used to confirm the performance of completed repairs. This seminar discusses some of the available movement monitoring tools, how to plan an effective movement monitoring program, and how the information can assist in making and prioritizing appropriate repairs. 

  • Course will award 1.25 hours of continuing education
  • This course is Diamond Review approved in 49 states. New York does not accept hours from recordings.