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08.02.2018 | Dealing with Floor Vibration in a Modern Structural Consulting Firm - Lessons from the Field

Open office space layouts and the desire for maximum leasable space with minimal intrusion by columns tend to produce structures with a greater tendency to exhibit in-service vibration problems, usually from walking-induced vibration produced by the building’s occupants. In the high-technology sector, increasing medical scanner sensitivity and increasing precision of manufacturing equipment place higher demand for “vibration-free” structures. Unlike structural design for strength and safety, vibration performance does not benefit from decades of full-scale laboratory testing, established time-tested procedures, and generous factors of safety prescribed by the Building Code. Vibration performance is assessed under “in-service” conditions where non-structural components, actual, rather than idealized, structural behavior, and human perception have a significant effect on vibration performance. The uncertainty in vibration analysis and design of real-world structures presents unique challenges for consulting structural engineering firms and how they conduct business within the firm and externally with clients and building owner/management.

  • Course will award 1.5 hours of continuing education
  • Diamond Review approved in all 50 states
  • This webinar will not be available as a recording