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Troubleshooting Malfunction Case Studies (1 hr)

This presentation will focus what is the definition of a failed system and what is needed to document that failed system. The class is broken into two distinct discussions. The first discussion is on the signs of failure to include drain field saturation, spongey soil, odors, frequent pumping, back-ups, system alarms and algae blooms in water sources. The second discussion is on the steps taken to conduct the system investigation. This includes the prep work, the onsite inspection and the results of that inspection. We will discuss typical investigation equipment to include, probes, augers, and other equipment. The investigation will focus on all portions of the field from the septic tank to the disposal field. The presentation includes some of the more interesting events seen in the field to include oil coming into a septic tank, pump chambers misdiagnoses, questionable electrical practices and more. The end result of this presentation is to document the reasons failure system investigation is so important and what the documentation of the failures means to our researchers. We will also work at highlighting where our industry has decent documentation of the waste strength from the facilities as to the places where documentation is lacking.

The instructor for this course is Jim King.

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