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NEW! - Design: Collection Systems (2 hrs)

Collection System Design
Overview - Community sewer collection systems have traditionally utilized the standard gravity sewer pipe and manhole construction with the occasional intermediate pump station to move wastewater from multiple connections to a wastewater treatment facility. Gravity systems require larger diameter pipe, expensive manholes, and sufficient elevation change and/or sometimes frequent lift stations. Today there are options that allow for smaller diameter pipe and shallower installations that work with a variety of terrains. This class will describe four options for alternate methods of wastewater collection: 1) Grinder pumps to a low-pressure pipe system; 2) Septic tank effluent pumped to a low- pressure pipe system; 3) Screened septic tank effluent discharged to a gravity sewer; and 4) Vacuum collection systems. A general description of each method, the primary components used in each, primary design factors to be considered, and the pros/cons for each type of collection system will be presented.

This is a new class which was added in November 2023.

Learning Objectives - At the conclusion of this presentation, the participate will be able to:
  1. Describe the four options for alternative community sewer collection systems
  2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each type of alternative sewer collection system.
  3. Discuss the primary design features of each sewer collection system type.
  4. Understand the factors that are used to design a successful alternative sewer collection system

Credits - 2.0 hours/continuing education units
Questions - While taking the class, for Technical Support call (888) 705-6002 (8 am - 8 pm EST) or email

Overview - Community sewer collection systems have traditionally utilized the standard gravity sewer pipe and manhole construction with the occasional intermediate pump station to move wastewater from multiple connections to a wastewater treatment facility. Gravity systems require larger diameter pipe, expensive manholes, and sufficient elevation change and/or sometimes frequent lift stations. Today there are options that allow for smaller diameter pipe and shallower installations that work with a variety of terrains. This class will describe four options for alternate methods of wastewater collection: 1) Grinder pumps to a low-pressure pipe system; 2) Septic tank effluent pumped to a low- pressure pipe system; 3) Screened septic tank effluent discharged to a gravity sewer; and 4) Vacuum collection systems. A general description of each method, the primary components used in each, primary design factors to be considered, and the pros/cons for each type of collection system will be presented.

Learning Objectives - At the conclusion of this presentation, the participate will be able to:
  1. Describe the four options for alternative community sewer collection systems
  2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each type of alternative sewer collection system.
  3. Discuss the primary design features of each sewer collection system type.
  4. Understand the factors that are used to design a successful alternative sewer collection system

Credits - 2.0 hours/continuing education units
Questions - While taking the class, for Technical Support call (888) 705-6002 (8 am - 8 pm EST) or email