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OH - Troubleshooting ATUs

Troubleshooting Aerobic Treatment Units (ATU)

Description: This presentation will describe the various types of aerobic treatments units (ATU) along with the similarities and differences among the various types. The treatment process used in ATU where microbes transform solids into gases, cell mass and non-degradable material will be covered. An overview of the operation and maintenance checklist for ATU will be covered, but troubleshooting of effluent problems with surface discharging systems, particularly ammonia. The settleability test for determining sludge wasting will be covered.
Learning Objectives:  Understand the flow layout for suspended growth and attached growth ATUs; understand the treatment principles employed in the ATU technologies; and review the operation and maintenance checklist. Identify solutions for hard to treat waste, foaming, abnormal levels of DO, poor settling characteristics and other ATU trouble points.
Credits:  1 CEU/hr
  1. This presentation was recorded at an OOWA training event in November 2021. It is approved by the Ohio Department of Health for 1 hr. CEUs for Ohio STS contractors (CEUs good for registration for the year following completion of the course) & for Ohio sanitarians (approval good through XXX. For others, please confirm this OOWA course is approved by your certification body. Refunds will NOT be issued for those mistakenly taking the course.
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