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Marketing Range Training Programs

Through the Marketing Range Training Programs course Rob takes us through the essential elements that helps to make marketing your training programs more effective including:

Module 1: Marketing Training Programs reviews:
  • Approaches to Internet Marketing
  • Marketing Memberships to enhance your training program
Duration: appx. 20 minutes

Module 2: Integrating Membership and Training discusses:
  • Package membership and training together for maximum effectiveness
  • Design membership training events
  • Associate range privileges with training accomplishments
Duration: appx. 20 minutes

Module 3: Using Incentives to Generate Interest presents:
  • How retail, membership-prerequisites, range privileges and members-only events can generate interest in range training
Duration: appx. 15 minutes

Module 4: Training Your Retail Staff to Sell Training explains:
  • 4 methods to train your retail staff to sell training
Duration: appx. 30 minutes
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