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SBER Network Virtual Roundtable (2022-04): Fostering Effective Communication with Researchers Throughout a Submission Cycle

The SBER Network hosts occasional Virtual Roundtables, one-hour online meetings with 30 minutes of presentation and 30 minutes of discussion among attendees. SBER Network Virtual Roundtables are not eligible for continuing education credit.

In this virtual roundtable, members discuss best practices to create and foster effective communications throughout an entire IRB submission cycle. Rob Withrow, CIP, presents how his office communicates with researchers from prior to submission through the conduct of post-review activities. Topics include defining and measuring the effectiveness of communication, proactive approaches to fostering stronger communicative relationships between staff and investigators, continuous improvement, and writing stipulations for both full board and minimal risk reviews.

This roundtable took place on April 15, 2022.

The SBER Network
(in the PRIM&R Online Community) is open to all PRIM&R members involved in social, behavioral, and educational research and provides a space for members to discuss the unique aspects and challenges of SBER work.