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Webinar: (05-2022) Complex Conflict of Interest (COI): Understanding the COI Landscape

The research community’s understanding of COI and commitment has evolved over time, causing us to re-examine traditional institutional and researcher ties while scrutinizing a new wave of partnerships that bring added complexity to our understanding and mitigation of COI. At the same time, federal scrutiny of foreign influence and conflicts has left many of us unsure what to look for and, having found potential conflict, how to report and mitigate.

This session will help the research community understand conflicts and methods of conflict management so we can be better stewards of the public trust in research. Before attending this session, attendees should have broad experience working in or advising on COI, technology transfer, partnerships and licensing, and novel arrangements to promote research and commercialization, and working knowledge of the regulatory, legal, policy, and ethical conditions for addressing COI.

What will I learn?

  • Discuss the shifting understanding, oversight, and enforcement efforts for complex COI
  • Review best practices for identifying and managing COI and foreign influence in research
  • Explore different management plans for different types of COI

Who should attend?
This webinar is relevant to anyone from either the human subjects protections or animal care and use fields who has to deal with COI issues as part of their work.

Continuing Education
Webinar participants holding the Certified IRB Professional (CIP®) credential may apply 1.5 continuing education credits towards CIP recertification. Learn More

Access Interval
Access to live content will be available for 90 days after the recording is made available. After 90 days, access to the content will be removed, but users will retain access to any certificates of attendance earned. To earn a certificate, one must complete all required sections and complete the certificate section within the 90-day access period. After access has expired, users can purchase an additional 90 days of access.