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PRIMR22 B07 - The Need for Transparency as the Public and Legislators Weigh Legal Challenges to the Future of Research With Animals

Individual pharmaceutical and biotech companies, as well as cross industry organizations like the Institutional Officials Consortium and Interpharma, have taken steps to increase transparency to the public about why and how they work with animals needed for the development of new therapies for human and animal patients. Advocacy partners can also serve as key partners to understand where and how to best lean into transparency and provide education to the public and legislators. Speakers will share success stories and practical tips.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore recent examples of animal rights sponsored legislative proposals that can or have impacted the ability to conduct in-vivo research
  • Discuss the importance of the in-vivo research voice and expertise in influencing public discourse and legal challenges to in-vivo research
  • Learn about successful proactive and reactive approaches to informing the public and legislators about companies' commitment to animal welfare and the continued need and value of research with animals