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Facilities & Spaces: Co-Constructing More Inclusive Spaces | August 17, 2021

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Co-constructing more inclusive spaces in facilities and spaces begins with defining key values. These values are informed by the larger values of your space and your organization. Policies and procedures then can be shaped from these core values to be more inclusive. Helpful concepts that we will review in this course include informed consent, applying a trauma-informed lens, demonstrating transparent practices, crafting authentic occasions for feedback, and establishing consistent, dynamic assessment practices. Using relevant examples from positive and also problematic moments from current events in our field, the intention of this course will be to start collectively examining what works along with beginning to explore where we can build better relationships with our communities of users.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Begin to define individual institutions' core values and improve understanding of key concepts for establishing more inclusive spaces.
  • Reference the “People to Policy” Diagram.
  • Identify and describe examples of harmful and supportive facility practices, as well as security policy implications with how those might apply to your institution.
  • Commit to at least one inclusive practice to apply to their respective organizations moving forward.
Who Should Attend:
Anyone who works in archives and libraries, but especially decision-makers who shape facility policy and frontline staff who are responsible for enforcing these policies.
What You Should Already Know:
An introductory understanding of DEI, values of your current organization, and security policies of your organization.
More Items for Purchase in this Course