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SFPE Live Member Webinar: Occupant Tenability Assessment Approach in PBD

Now available for on-demand viewing!

Live event: Thursday, March 3, 2022; 11 AM - 12 PM EST.

The aim of the webinar is to bring together certain topics explored in the SFPE Guide to Human Behavior in Fire and SFPE Guide to Performance-Based Fire Safety Design. The course will present the concepts of Available Safe Escape Time (ASET) and Required Safe Escape Time (RSET) and the methods by which these time increments can be assessed in PBD. Thereafter, the primary focus of the webinar will be on ASET and occupant tenability assessment. The course will review the basic equations that can be utilized to assess tenability, appropriate uses and limitations of these equations, and available input data sets. Attendees will also be introduced to computerized fire models that can be used to assess tenability and methods by which uncertainty can be addressed in PBD.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the primary components included in ASET and RSET analysis.
  • Identify common equations used to evaluate tenability and available data input sources.


Jamie L. McAllister

Professional Development Hours:
1.0 PDH


SFPE Members: Free
SFPE Non-members: $29.00

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