Evacuation Premium Series: Modelling Trends

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This presentation will introduce evacuation modelling methods: from hand calculations to more sophisticated computer simulation tools. It will draw on the latest thinking in approaches to model development, verification, validation and provide insight into the real-life timeline of evacuation modelling projects.


  • Aoife Hunt

    Aoife is a leading specialist in people movement and emergency planning. She has 14 years' experience in simulating human behaviour and pedestrian dynamics and completed an award-winning PhD in evacuation modelling. Leading on high profile projects across sectors, Aoife advises on the movements of people and materials in buildings, hospitals, stadia and events, the public realm, and transport systems across the world. She leads research projects to advance the safety and security of crowded places, specialising in human behaviour in emergencies and pedestrian movement through security overlays, including through hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) barriers, and search and screening checkpoints.

    Aoife has delivered more than 50 projects in pedestrian planning and drives innovative technical solutions to address complex safety and security requirements. She helps owners and operators to improve the efficiency, safety, and profitability of their design and operations. She is regularly consulted on national guidance documents such as the 6th Edition of the Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (Green Guide), SG02 Planning for Social Distancing at Sports Grounds, the Public Realm Design Guide, CIBSE Guide D, PAS 127, and is currently co-authoring the chapter on evacuation modelling in the SFPE Fire Engineering handbook.

    Aoife is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Maryland, and delivers lectures at several academic institutions on crowd flow modelling, human behaviour in emergencies, and evacuation analysis.

November 8, 2022
Tue 1:00 PM EST

Duration 1H 30M

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