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Welcome to the Path LMS Showroom FAQ Page!

This FAQ is a Custom Page in Path LMS. Get all your questions answer below.
Note: This page was created using the Custom Pages feature. Any site administrators can edit this type of page, and create new ones, at anytime!

Welcome, Guest! Here are some questions that might come up as you are browsing the Path LMS Showroom.

Using Your Path LMS Showroom Account

Q: When I go to purchase a course/webinar and checkout, Path LMS is asking me for a credit card. What number should I use?
Please use CC #4111-1111-1111-1111 with any name, address, credit card expiration date, and CVV. Be sure to save your card information. Path LMS is PCI compliant and credit card information can be securely stored for re-use. If you use a member database, eCommerce will occur there, rather than in Path LMS.

Q: How do I see the administrative functions of Path LMS?
Here is a video walkthrough of the admin console. You have access to the admin Dashboard and Reports—check them out! You also have full access to admin online Help. Click the "?" at lower right and just type in a topic—you're sure to find helpful information! You can also review current releases notes, enter product suggestions, and more.

Getting Started with Path LMS

Q: I'd like to get started by going through the learner's view of a course. Which course is a good example?
A: Here is a good example of a common course structure: a video, quiz, survey, and certificate. To see how webinars are incorporated into a course, try this one.

General Company Background

Q: How long has Blue Sky eLearn been serving associations and non-profits?
A: 20 years!

Q: How many organizations has Blue Sky eLearn served?
A: Over 500

Q: Besides an award-winning LMS, what other services does Blue Sky eLearn provide?
A: Virtual events and learning strategy and development