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2.27.24 | Navigating Research Security: How Department Research Administrators can Ensure Compliance and Transparency in Federally Funded Research

Encore | A Series of Annual Meeting Webinars

The growing concerns about improper foreign influence on federally funded research at US universities has led to heightened scrutiny and a stricter enforcement of compliance measures. Two critical aspects of foreign influence that have been emphasized by federal funders are transparency and upholding the fundamental principles of scientific integrity. Much of the education at universities around foreign influence is aimed at investigators.

Department Research Administrators (DRAs) are an untapped institutional resource on the front line of identifying and appropriately presenting foreign influence when submitting research proposals. This webinar, targeted at DRAs, will define foreign influence and the disclosure requirements of federal sponsors. It will also offer guidance on how they can protect the PIs and the institution by recognizing a foreign component, when international travel needs to be disclosed, and how to review other, current and pending Support documents with an eye for disclosure.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Gain a comprehensive understanding of what constitutes foreign influence in federally funded research and its implications for compliance, transparency, and scientific integrity.
  2. Identify situations requiring disclosure of foreign components, international travel, and other relevant details.
Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Individual Registration:
Member Price: $99
Non-Member Price: $165