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Intermediate Storage & Handling of Lubricants & Greases

A follow-up to the fundamental Instruction on Storage & Handling of Lubricants & Greases & the importance of this key element, which is a cornerstone for the 8 stages of a Progressive Lubrication Program & the 6 Rights of Lubrication. Without 100% personnel focus on this key element of your maintenance program, equipment reliability & sustainability will suffer. Review steps to properly receive and inventory lube oil/grease containers. Application practices include proper color codes and equipment tags, plus personnel training which is fundamental for a successful lubrication program. Investments in the storage & handling tools & practices discussed will pay great dividends, hence reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO). The single greatest opportunity for increased component life & lowering operating costs is to manage fluid cleanliness from cradle to grave. This discussion will help address opportunities to increase equipment reliability & productivity in order to maximize the benefits a facility can achieve by the investment in Storage & Handling resources.