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(CDR-2792) Using the Half-Step Technique in Retrospectively Analyzing Schedule Delay

In certain situations, following project completion, it becomes necessary to retrospectively analyze the projects update schedules to determine the causes of project delay and when they occurred. In those situations, where the contractor contemporaneously prepared the updates absent the use of a contemporaneous half-step approach, the analyst is challenged when trying to determine what caused reported delay and by how many days the project was affected. When faced with this situation, the analyst needs a technique to determine extent of the delay caused by the lack of progress, logic revisions, the introduction of fragnets representing changes, and other schedule changes representing any delays the contractor alleges occurred. Similar to the contemporaneous use of this technique, it’s equally important to perform the retrospective analysis in a certain order to appropriately identify and quantify delay(s). The purpose of this paper is to present a proposed Recommended Practice for an analyst to use in the forensic sense to analyze contemporaneous updates, void of the half-step approach, to determine the cause of and quantification of the delay(s).