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(CDR-2954) Proper Application of TIAs to Measure Delays on Government Projects

RP No. 52R-06 provides guidance for the application of the Time Impact Analysis (TIA) method to identify and measure delays during construction. The issues, problems, and facts on every project are different, but the principles presented in Recommended Practice No. 52R-06 are applicable to construction projects of all types and complexities.

Proper use of a TIA can accurately measure the delay caused by added work and prevent disputes related to the quantification of delays. However, TIAs can also be manipulated to present a skewed version of the project plan and exaggerate alleged delays. The authors have successfully used the TIA method to identify and measure delay for government agencies such as the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and National Park Service. This paper presents strategies learned from these projects and a case study to illustrate the application of the guidelines presented in RP No. 52R-06 on government projects.