(CDR-3162) Identifying the As‐Built Critical Path Using Recommended Practice 29R-03

Level: Advanced
Venue: 2019 AACE International Conference & Expo, June 16-19, 2019, New Orleans, LA, USA

Abstract: In retrospective forensic schedule analysis, the as-built critical path is one of the most important subjects. Yet, as suggested by one author's previous AACE presentation (Portland, 2002), "Catching the Elusive As-Built Critical Path," identification of the as-built critical path is not an easy task even for the most seasoned analyst. This paper examines whether the nine method implementation protocols (MIP) contained in AACE International Recommended Practice 29R 03, Forensic Schedule Analysis, (RP) are capable of identifying the as-built critical path (ABCP) and relates the authors’ findings to the different methods discussed in the current 2011 revision of the RP regarding the identification of the ABCP.