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(CDR-3418) Why Are Dynamic Schedule Analysis Methods More Suited for Large, Complex Construction Projects?

In order to receive proof of CEU credits, you must watch this presentation in its entirety and complete the survey.

Level: Intermediate
TCM Section(s):
10.1. Project Performance Assessment
9.2. Progress and Performance Measurement

Venue: 2020 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Construction projects often experience schedule delays. Multiple delay methodologies can be used to analyze and quantify schedule delays. However, selecting the most adequate methodology remains a subject of controversy. The industry seems to hold that dynamic methods are better suited for complex projects with longer performance periods, while also holding that static methods can be used for simple projects with short performance periods for cost efficiency purposes. This paper discusses why dynamic methods are more adequate to assess project delays post construction for complex projects with longer performance periods and highlights major American court rulings related to dynamic schedule delay methods.