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(CDR-4105) Assessing the Reasonableness and Reliability of CPM Schedules for Use in Forensic Schedule Analyses

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Level: Intermediate
TCM Section(s):
6.4. Forensic Performance Assessment
Venue: 2023 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Within the construction claims and dispute resolution field, schedule delay experts face an initial, important question when performing a forensic schedule analysis (“FSA”): To what extent can I rely on the project schedules for my delay analysis?No construction schedule is perfect and schedules do not have to be perfect to be used in a FSA. However, to varying levels based on the analysis methodology chosen, schedules need to be reasonable and reliable to assist the analyst in identifying critical work and analyzing delays.Industry publications including AACE RP 29R-03 and Society of Construction Law (SCL) Delay and Disruption Protocol (SCL Protocol) both recommend a source validation process, and the SCL Protocol recommends that schedules should represent a “reasonable, realistic and achievable” plan.

This paper explores what a reasonable and reliable schedule entails, what a schedule delay expert should look for when performing an evaluation of the schedules, and how this evaluation may affect the methodology choice and implementation of a retrospective delay analysis.This paper offers several considerations from industry publications and practice regarding what to look for in evaluating schedules.Also presented is an example schedule trend chart based on a mixed-use building project, demonstrating schedule evaluation techniques and the associated impacts of schedule quality on forensic schedule analysis methodology.