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(CDR-1510) Trends in Construction Claims & Disputes

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Primary Author: Mr. James G. Zack Jr. CFCC

Audience Focus: Advanced
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2014 AACE International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA

Abstract: Claims and disputes are a constant in the construction industry, regardless of whether the industry is doing well or poorly. The number of claims seems to have risen during the recent recession despite the downturn (or perhaps as a result of the downturn) in the industry. This paper, based on research conducted by the Navigant Construction Forum™, overviews some relatively recent trends related to construction claims and disputes in the areas of concurrent delay, suspensions of work, time extensions, notice and claim filing requirements, calculation of home office overhead, proof of differing site conditions and risk transfer in the design/build environment under Federal government contracts. Through this insight, it is believed that owners, design professionals, construction managers, contractors and subcontractors can devise ways to avoid such issues going forward thus making projects more successful, and more profitable, for all stakeholders.