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(CDR-876) When's the Measured Mile, Not the Measured Mile?

Primary Author: Mr Mark F Nagata PSP Trauner Consulting Services, Inc.
Co-author(s): Ms Elizabeth Bradford Trauner Consulting Services, Inc.

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Experience-Based
Venue: 2012 AACE International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA

Abstract: Whenever the term "measured mile" is used to describe a productivity analysis, the reader's first impression is that the results of that analysis must be reliable. The method compares the contractor's achieved productivity during impacted and un-impacted periods to calculate its inefficiency resulting from impact, using resources expressed in terms of a measurable quantity, typically resources performed (quantity of work) over resources expended (labor hours), to provide an inefficiency factor. However, the "measured mile" analysis has been used to measure productivity using variables other than resources performed and resources expended, often providing less favorable or unreliable results. Some analysts merely compare the contractor's data in two separate time periods, and use information other than quantity of work performed and labor hours expended to complete the work, like percent of work complete, actual costs, or a variation of both that do not always provide a reliable measure of productivity. The intent of this paper is to identify different methods used to calculate the contractor's productivity and the weaknesses of those approaches.