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(CSC-4023) (Panel Discussion) Project Controls - A Profession on the Edge of Extinction or Rebirth?

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Venue: 2023 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: The construction industry is on the cusp of a transformational change, with machine learning and artificial intelligence increasingly encroaching on tasks and deliverables that historically formed part of the traditional project controls and cost engineering profession. These new technological advances are taking on data mining and collection, sanitization, normalization and analysis at much faster rate and efficiency than we have ever imagined. One can start to wonder: Is the project control profession on the edge of an existential crisis?

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the construction industry is increasingly getting more complex and volatile, with more new untested technological inputs, stakeholders' interfaces and global supply chain interconnectivity than ever before. A small event in one area can have a ripple effect through the entire world.

While machine learning and AI are being increasingly deployed, complexity, volatility and uncertainty are on the uptake as well. Four project controls professionals from across different parts of the globe will debate the various aspects of this potential upcoming moment of reckoning for the profession and share their perception of the evolution, revolution or rather the demise of the profession in the coming future.