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(OWN-4031) Implementing a Data-Driven Method to Reduce Deferred Maintenance and Repair

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Venue: 2023 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: In the current era of booming technology, hybrid work models, and unprecedented inflation, many companies and agencies may prefer to invest their money in newer, more technologically advanced buildings rather than in the upkeep of their aging infrastructure, leading to fewer available resources to reduce their deferred maintenance and repair (DM&R). While capital budgets often include funding for maintenance and repair, rarely is the funding enough to cover annual growth in DM&R. Lack of sound DM&R reduction strategies could lead to premature deterioration, space usage limitation, and even greater lifetime costs. As buildings age and the funding gap increases, it is more important than ever to have a simple strategy to reduce and manage DM&R.

This paper discusses a DM&R-reducing framework that a portfolio or program manager can easily adapt to their specific circumstances and implement with an agile model for processing DM&R data and automating the multidisciplinary project generation process. Implementing such a framework can help keep facilities in an enduring, sustainable condition and raise leadership’s confidence in their organization’s long-term planning and budget management ability. To illustrate some preliminary benefits and how these can be used, a case study explains how these DM&R reduction strategies are being used for a federal agency.