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(OWN-2207) SAP Integration with Primavera P6 on a Massive Scale

Primary Author: John W. Blodgett
Co-Author(s): Christopher M. Durant; Barbara Sootkoos; James Wolf, CCP

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Research
Venue: 2016 AACE International Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada

Abstract: Utilities spend billions of dollars each year planning and executing projects to upgrade their capital infrastructure. Organizations that are more operation-focused rather than project-focused often have a lower level of project management maturity, which results in project teams spending significant time on administrative tasks due to outdated systems and a lack of integration. This paper will discuss a grassroots effort that was implemented at a utility company to establish a common Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), fully integrate SAP® and Oracle® Primavera P6™ using the SAP Project Systems module and SAP Plant Maintenance Order Operational Account Assignment (OAA) functionality, and standardize enterprise reporting using SAP BusinessObjects™ (BOBJ). The scope of this effort was massive: it impacted all major lines of business, including electric, gas, and power generation including over 5000 projects and 7000 people. This paper will discuss the business case for change, the technical solution that was implemented, the change effort involved, and the results achieved by this massive undertaking.