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(PM-3259) Improving Project Success by Introducing Safety Measures Early in the Project Life Cycle

Level: Intermediate
Venue: 2019 AACE International Conference & Expo, June 16-19, 2019, New Orleans, LA, USA

Abstract: Accurate planning is key to the success of any project. Safety incidents are one important consideration that impact planning and schedule performance. It is thus essential that safety measures be introduced in the early phases of the project life cycle. This article presents the results of the first phase of a broader project to develop a model for introducing safety measures early in the feasibility phase with the goal of improving project planning performance. The findings are based on a literature review and a quantitative approach using the in-house databank of a Canadian energy company. The results of this first phase of the broader study show that project success improves when safety measures are introduced in the planning phase. The measures introduced must be designed to reduce incidents that occur most often with the particular type of project concerned. When building power transmission lines, measures are required to address negative patterns with respect to the following: cabling work, work conditions (such as working at heights and live-line work), particular days of the week and weather conditions.