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(PM-4155) Interface Management Performance Framework for Brownfield Construction Projects using Construction Simulation Language

Level: Advanced
TCM Section(s):
4.1. Project Implementation
6.1. Asset Performance Assessment
Venue: 2023 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: The success of brownfield construction projects largely depends on interface management (IM), which is one of the fundamental challenges for their execution. Failure to appropriately manage brownfield construction project interfaces can cause rework and wasted time that increases the cost and delays the target schedule of the projects. It also influences the project’s teamwork, quality, scope changes control, and safety performance. The variety of interactions between projects, the current infrastructure, the facilities, and the third parties they both depend on and affect have all greatly expanded. This could be external and/or internal. One of the main challenges facing the brownfield construction project is the insufficient project interface management performance control and measurement tools. Generally, there is no agreed-upon method for assessing the success of project interface management. This research presents an overview of interface management, discussing its definition and its effect on the success of brownfield construction projects. To improve project performance, a new method of figuring out how IM output affects brownfield construction projects is introduced..The framework used interfaces work breakdown structure (IWBS), interface points network (IPN), interface performance index (IPI), and construction simulation language.