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(PM-1525) Systems Engineering Methods Applied to Megaprojects: A Critique

Primary Author: Mr. Calvin J. Speight Jr. CCP

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2014 AACE International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA

Abstract: Systems Engineering (SE) is a discipline which helps manage complexity and improve the technical quality of engineered products. By comparison, project management (PM) can involve five steps that includes, initiating, planning, executing, monitoring & controlling, and closing. Because each step involves processes, one can think of PM as a system of processes. Moreover, both PM and SE possess iterative processes that converge for delivering project goals. However, complex infrastructure projects may require a systemic approach that goes beyond the management of cost and schedules. This paper intends to provide an analysis of INCOSE’s “Guide for the Application of Systems Engineering in Large Infrastructure Projects.” The author will critique three key areas. First, author will examine the case for applying SE practices to large infrastructure projects, or LIPs during the planning and construction management phase. Second, an LIP will be analyzed from a systems viewpoint to establish concepts. Finally, the application of SE practices can be beneficially used to better execute the construction process will be addressed.