(PM-2204) Can Your Project’s Organization Be Agile?

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Primary Author: Joseph A. Lukas, PE CCP
Audience Focus: Advanced
Application Type: Practice
Venue: 2016 AACE International Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada

Abstract: Agile is a group of project methodologies based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration by self-managing, cross-functional teams. Agile has been effectively used with custom software and product development projects. Unfortunately, based on this success, the management in some companies is advocating the use of agile on construction projects.

This paper will describe the Agile Manifesto and the guiding principles for agile use. The differences between agile and waterfall life cycles will be explained, along with recommendations on when to use each life cycle model. Planning and team organization on agile projects will be discussed, along with two of the more popular agile methodologies, which are Scrum and Kanban. Even though an agile life cycle model is not appropriate for construction projects, this paper will explain how to successfully utilize specific agile tools and techniques that can add value.