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(PM-2605) Turning Around Problem Projects

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Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Joseph A. Lukas, PE CCP
Venue: 2017 AACE International Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL

Abstract: Considerable effort is usually spent on the development and implementation of project management plans to ensure that projects are completed successfully. However, personnel on most projects will eventually be faced with events that result in a troubled or ‘problem’ project—one that is in jeopardy of not meeting the project objectives. This paper addresses the types of problem projects that can occur, and provides suggestions on how to identify the early symptoms of problem projects. Authoritative, competitive and collaborative problem solving strategies will be discussed, including the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. A proven five-step systematic problem resolution technique will be described in detail, along with a creative approach to problem solving. Finally, advice on how to make problem projects less likely to occur will be reviewed. This paper will help prepare you to more effectively deal with a problem project.