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(PS-4070) Identifying and Understanding Schedule Revisions using Basic Primavera Software

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Level: Basic
TCM Section(s):
7.2. Schedule Planning and Development
9.2. Progress and Performance Measurement
Venue: 2023 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Identifying and understanding impacts due to revisions is an important part of the schedule review or forensic analysis process. Especially on larger projects, it can be a struggle just to organize and tabulate the hundreds of revisions made to each update without the use of external software.

This paper will first explain how to find and organize schedule revisions using the tools available in Primavera P6. Next, it will examine some of the lessons learned during the analysis of revisions on dozens of previous projects. Finally, using case studies from past projects, it will illustrate how identification of the impacts due to these revisions improved the schedule review or forensic analysis process.