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(PS-1720) Benefits of an Effective Construction Manager’s Shadow Schedule

Primary Author: Mr. Hector Arias, Mr. Alberto Martinez and Mr. Efe Eray Tuncay

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2014 AACE International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA

Abstract: As Construction Schedulers for a major capital budget program within the city of Los Angeles, the Program Management/Construction Management Division has found that the practice and implementation of a Construction Management “Shadow Schedule” is advantageous to all parties involved. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the efficiency of a Construction Management Shadow Schedule that mimics the approved Baseline Schedule and monthly updates but also takes into account concurrent field activities to provide a more precise estimate of project completion. This paper defines the function and benefits of a Construction Management Shadow Schedule and provides field examples that illustrate how the implementation of such a schedule has aided in the resolution of construction disputes and potential claims.