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(PS-1197) The Half-Step Schedule is Just the Start: Introducing the Zero-Step Schedule

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Primary Author: Mr Ronald M Winter PSP

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2013 AACE International Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA

Abstract: Mash-ups aren’t just for the young – Schedule Forensic Experts and Schedulers are beginning to see the value in combining two different schedule updates into a third that is a logical combination of the two. AACE Recommend Practice 29R-03 already recognizes the Half-Step Schedule. This schedule ‘mask-up’ will be presented along with an entire taxonomy of schedule ‘stages’ that eventually lead to a complete update. Understanding the stages helps schedule analysts to isolate and define the cause based upon the symptom.
This paper will also introduce Half-Step’s ‘Evil Twin’; the Zero-Step Schedule. Instead of ‘removing’ the Update Schedule’s logic changes as the Half-Step process prescribes, why not just add those logic changes to the Target Schedule and create a Zero-Step Schedule? A Zero-Step Schedule would include no new status, just the updated means and methods of the future plan. Instead of a What-If Schedule, why not consider a What-Was Schedule? The results can be startling. This brand-new concept may change the way you perform schedule analysis.