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(PS-1386) Planning and Facilitating a Schedule Risk Workshop

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Primary Author: Mr Christopher W Carson PSP

Audience Focus: Intertmediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2013 AACE International Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA

Abstract: Schedules, no matter how carefully designed and developed, rarely incorporate any assessment of risks that occur on most projects. The lack of process to gather and use the lessons learned from the collective experience of project management professionals in the development of schedules lowers the likelihood of success, and leads to greater risk of claims. Invoking risk management for all projects leads to more successful projects. Developing a process to facilitate a schedule risk workshop improves the results of the risk assessment.
This session will provide a practical and efficient approach to planning and conducting a schedule risk workshop, based on real project workshops. Inclusion of the right stakeholders, facilitating participation by experienced professionals, and simple steps provide for guidance to make the risk workshop a valuable experience with meaningful results.