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(PS-825) Living with P6 Databases

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Primary Author: Mr. Ronald M Winter PSP Ron Winter Consulting LLC

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Experience-Based
Venue: 2012 AACE International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA

Abstract: An Oracle/Primavera P6 (TM) Scheduler is required to know much more than just how to schedule; he or she must plan, maintain, and repair the database. P6 software is best suited to large corporations with a dedicated, trained IT support staff. The P6 administrator's manual is clearly written to communicate with these people who only need to be told what to do, not how to do it. What is missing is the detailed instructions needed by the P6 stand-alone scheduler who does not have an IT support staff.

This paper explains what a database server is and the basics of what a P6 stand-alone user needs to know to keep their CPM scheduling platform up and running. It covers database types, checking the database size, backing-up your schedules and database, differences between databases, creating a second database, and configuring a database. We will attempt to describe these issues and solutions for both Oracle Express as well as MS SQL Express database servers. Issues solely involving P6 installations running the full-blown database servers with trained IT personnel will not be covered in this paper.

Other than providing customer service for registered users of his P6 add-on software, the author does not commercially provide services described in this paper and is in no way commercially affiliated with companies that do so.