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(PS-2427) P6 File Corruption, Part 2

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Level: Advanced
Author(s): Ronald M. Winter, PSP FAACE; Marina G. Sominsky, PSP
Venue: 2017 AACE International Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL

Abstract: An earlier paper by the authors introduces the topic of P6 File Corruption and endeavors to separate reality from perception. This paper further explains exactly how to repair cases of known corruption using the tools provided by the database server, as well as by Oracle® Primavera P6. The deficiencies of the original Primavera P6 Check Project Integrity routines are explained in an effort to make this utility more useful to IT experts or even P6 users, should this functionality be restored in the Oracle® Primavera P6 Professional or the Oracle® Primavera EPPM.

The main emphasis of this paper is a dedicated research of the prevalence of P6 file corruption in the scheduling community and the types of problems experienced. To this end, the authors have developed a software research tool and invited various P6 users to participate in the discovery of this issue. Two PSP certified schedulers, who are also IT experts, present this unique paper on the subject of P6 File Corruption.