(PS-818) Improved Graphics for MS Project and Primavera Schedules

Primary Author: Gregory S. Green, PSP

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Experience-Based
Venue: 2012 AACE International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA

Abstract: Many of us generate, maintain and easily understand our own complex schedules but face perhaps the greater challenge of clearly communicating to our clients and top management the impacts on those schedules of weather delays, scope changes, recovery plans, resource issues, risks realized—the list of challenges is seemingly endless. While MS Project and Primavera are excellent planning and analysis tools, their graphics are not designed for maximum impact and summary level clarity. There are tools available to solve this dilemma. This paper will provide examples from the aerospace and defense industry of how we have been able to use enhanced graphics capabilities to communicate accurate and timely schedule status to the project team, upper management and customers.