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Using the midwifery model of care for global clinical capacity building: Online continuing education in Madagascar

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ACNM's global department works to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes in the world by strengthening midwifery. This seminar will present ACCESS U, an example of one global program that uses the midwifery model of care for continuing education of doctors, midwives, and nurses, a holistic approach, where the childbearing person, family, and neonate are at the center of the care.
Decreasing maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity is a priority for the Ministry of Health in Madagascar. As part of a grant to improve health outcomes, ACNM partners with the American Academy of Pediatrics In Madagascar to develop an online program to foster quality of services and educational opportunities by working with local and global partners.

Clinicians and childbearing families are challenged by access to care in Madagascar where long distances, climate change, lack of economic opportunities, politics, religion, post-colonialism attitudes, and multiple cultural beliefs and practices affect health, equity, and availability of care.
The program design is based on adult learning theory that intertwines clinical skills, physiology, and pathophysiology with quality assurance. Through tests, job-aids, quizzes, role plays, exercises, and activities the focused modules captivate and motivate participants to learn and at the same time, improve the systemic functioning of the health care system.

Although the modules of ACCESS U are specifically developed around the protocols, language, and cultural norms of Madagascar, its interactive program design is a universally applicable model for other countries, communities, and ministries of health. Examples of learning materials as well as an in-depth discussion of the methodology, challenges, successes, and lessons learned will be presented.

July 20, 2023
Thu 7:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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