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Why We Need More Midwives of Color: Reclaiming Midwifery for Health Equity Informational Session

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The American College of Nurse-Midwives is hosting a three-session series sharing information about the importance of diversifying the midwifery workforce. The first session in the series is on Wednesday, October 18 from 12-1:30 pm ET. This session will discuss the current and potential impacts of midwifery on Black maternal health. It also will provide an overview of midwifery and the importance of diversifying the midwifery workforce. Join us as a panelist of midwifery leaders discuss their thoughts and experiences addressing the Black maternal health crisis.

Midwives provide intimate and trusted care to birthing people and are essential to decreasing poor outcomes for people of color. Join us as we hear from researchers and educators about their perspectives and experiences on diversifying the midwifery workforce and the impacts of a diverse workforce on the current maternal health crisis in the United States.

October 18, 2023
Wed 12:00 PM EDT

Duration 2H 0M

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