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Data Visualization and Data Storytelling Best Practices using RAWGraphs and Figma -Session II

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  • Session 1 recap
  • Data visualization best practices: How to tell a story with data
  • Discussion
  • Step-by-step tutorial on how to create graphs in RAWGraphs and Figma
  • Exercise
  • Kahoot competition 


  • Rebeca Pop

    Rebeca Pop is the founder of Vizlogue, a Data Visualization and Storytelling Lab that offers training and consulting services. Vizlogue's mission is to help companies and organizations communicate more effectively with data.

    The story behind Vizlogue? Rebeca has spent the last 10 years working in media and digital analytics, and the last 3 years teaching data visualization at the University of Chicago and at DePaul University. Teaching gave Rebeca the opportunity to understand this field at a much deeper level and made her realize that she could use her skills to help others elevate their data visualization and storytelling practices.

July 28, 2022
Thu 12:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 30M

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