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Using Agile project management to measure project’s impact - Session I

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The webinar is useful for the people interested to demonstrate the changes in the real life following their project’s intervention, to measure its impact. It is rare for the impact to be fully understood, or correctly, anticipated in the program-planning phase. Quite often this learning builds up during the implementation, based on multiple variables (stakeholders interaction and learning, positive developments in project’s environment, synergy with other economic, social, or policy initiatives, etc.). Being able to understand when, and how, to approach impact measurement can make the difference between a successful project and a not very successful one.
The first session will present three case studies, how, and when we succeeded to measure the impact:

  • Measurement platform build at the project start, impact measurement initiated mid-way – technology program
  • Specific activities and their impact measurement initiated mid-way – agriculture/economic development program
  • Relevant data collection for impact measurement done after project’s end - microfinance services

We will discuss the similarities in those approaches, and what and when we did, in order to be able to measure the impact. It is not rare to see projects’ stakeholders do not understand projects’ metrics, and sometime communicating those directly would not have the expected effect. Processing impact data to be able to use a friendlier language, easy to understand, is one of the way to avoid such challenges. We will present our experience in doing this.

Homework: Define possible impact measurement plan for WFP using a potential Elon Musk $6 billion donation


  • Marcel Chiranov

    Experienced executive in leading teams towards reaching their strategic objectives, designing and managing the implementation of Performance Management Plans/Systems (Monitoring & Evaluation Systems/AMELP), and Impact Measurement Plans. Implemented projects for various industries: financial services, microfinance, business services, revolving loan funds, ITC, health care, manufacturing, education, governance reform, policy reform, labor market restructuring, program management, local economic development, anti-trafficking/gender, women empowerment, agriculture value chain, digital and media literacy (misinformation and disinformation fight), tourism promotion, cultural heritage preservation. Successfully designed and managed implementation of Performance Management Plan (M&E System) and Impact Measurement for programs cumulatively worth over $12 billion.

June 15, 2022
Wed 12:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 30M

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