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Don’t Reinvent the Wheel: Temporary Conditions and Service Provision

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One aspect of disability access work, which happens regularly but can be difficult to process and manage, is the provision of temporary accommodation. Multiple situations may call for temporary accommodations, but they can be just as varied as all other requests for accommodations. Therefore, the reasons for providing temporary accommodations and the nature of the barriers students temporarily face need to be looked at on a case-by-case basis, the same as we do when making all accommodation decisions. While that is the case, it can still be challenging to understand when providing temporary accommodations is necessary and how to approach those decisions. There are also numerous aspects to managing the implementation of temporary accommodations that can be tricky. In this webinar, we will explore the whys, hows, and best practices in this area.

If you missed the live presentation of this webinar, a recording is available for purchase.


One aspect of disability access work, which happens regularly but can be difficult to process and manage, is the provision of temporary accommodation. Multiple situations may call for temporary accommodations, but they can be just as varied as all other requests for accommodations. Therefore, the reasons for providing temporary accommodations and the nature of the barriers students temporarily face need to be looked at on a case-by-case basis, the same as we do when making all accommodation decisions. While that is the case, it can still be challenging to understand when providing temporary accommodations is necessary and how to approach those decisions. There are also numerous aspects to managing the implementation of temporary accommodations that can be tricky. In this webinar, we will explore the whys, hows, and best practices in this area.


  • Jamie Axelrod

    Jamie Axelrod, M.S. is the Director of Disability Resources at Northern Arizona University and a past-president of AHEAD. Jamie presents regularly on topics related to disability access and higher education, having expertise in disability law and policy, communication and information technology (ICT) access, and the reasonable accommodation process. Jamie is a respected contributor to professional listservs, having received the Fink-Ryan Award for the quality of his guidance, and a go-to consultant for complex issues. He has worked for the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s athletic department, as a mental health therapist, and for Protection and Advocacy Systems, Inc., a disability rights advocacy law firm where he served as an advocate for individuals with disabilities who were claiming that their civil rights had been violated. Jamie has served as co-chair of Northern Arizona University’s Commission on Disability Access and Design and on AHEAD’s Board of Directors.

  • Doris Pierce

    Doris Pierce, M.S. is the Director of the Disability Resource Center at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA). Prior to her employment at UCA, Doris was the Disability Services Counselor and Coordinator for Disability Services at Pulaski Technical College (PTC) and an Education Specialist, Tutor Coordinator and Local Coordinator the Disability Mentoring Day (DMD) program for the Disability Resource Center at Henderson State University. She is the current Chair for the Racial, Ethnic Diversity and Disability (REDD) Knowledge & Practice (K&P) Community. Doris obtained a BA in Psychology and a MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, both from Henderson State University.

April 27, 2021
Tue 3:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 30M

This live web event has ended.