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Using A Universal Design Framework to Underpin DEI Initiatives That Address Issues Related to Students with Disabilities

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Is disability a diversity category addressed in your campus Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives? Attend this webinar to consider how to promote the inclusion of individuals with disabilities as a marginalized group within DEI initiatives and to design DEI activities designed for another marginalized groups to be accessible and inclusive of its members who also have disabilities. A Universal Design Framework, DEI implementation model, and resources for guiding a DEI initiative on any campus will be shared.

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Is disability a diversity category addressed in your campus Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives? Attend this webinar to consider how to promote the inclusion of individuals with disabilities as a marginalized group within DEI initiatives and to design DEI activities designed for another marginalized groups to be accessible and inclusive of its members who also have disabilities. A Universal Design Framework, DEI implementation model, and resources for guiding a DEI initiative on any campus will be shared.


  • Sheryl Burgstahler

    Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D. founded and directs Accessible Technology Services—which includes the DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) Center and the IT Accessibility Team (ITAT)—at the University of Washington. These groups (1) offer mentoring and other interventions to support the success of students with disabilities in postsecondary education and careers and (2) promote the universal design (UD) of learning opportunities; facilities; websites, media, documents and other IT; and services to ensure that they are accessible to, usable by, and inclusive of individuals with disabilities. Her latest book is Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Education: A Universal Design Toolkit.

March 9, 2022
Wed 2:00 PM EST

Duration 1H 30M

This live web event has ended.