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Session 3: Words (and Pictures!) Matter - Communicating Your School's Mission with an Equity Lens

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We will learn how strategic school communication can enhance feelings of belonging for current and future families at your school. The primary focus of good school communication is to make every right-fit student feelĀ  like they have a place. That means meeting families where they are and stripping away some of the exclusionary language and other communications practices that may be alienating to those who don't come from our "traditional" applicant pools. It also means letting families know where we stand in our equity work, in ways that they can understand and embrace.

Participants will be able to ask questions and engage with one another to seek solutions on thorny communications issues that continue to arise given the divided nature of our national discourse.


  • Jan Abernathy

    Chief Communications Officer, The Browning School, Pollyanna Facilitator

    Jan Abernathy is the Chief Communications Officer for The Browning School (NY) a K-12 all-boys school with 400 students. She is the co-founder of Black Advancement Networking Group, which works to gain further representation and greater professional growth for Black people in external relations, communications and advancement. She is also president of the 120-member New York City Independent School Communications Professionals group and a trustee of Grace Church School (NY). A frequent speaker on DEIB and communications topics, Jan also chaired the CASE-NAIS and NYSAIS Institutional Advancement Conferences this year. She has written for NAIS' Independent School magazine on a variety of subjects including crisis communications and schools' response to the Black@ movement.

November 10, 2022
Thu 12:00 PM EST

Duration 1H 0M

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