Amyloidosis Foundation

The Amyloidosis Foundation began with the vision of two patients, Don Brockman and Dennis Krysmalski.  Don’s desire to support research and Dennis’s commitment to support patients and increase awareness has been the driving force behind the foundation. Don’s widow, Mary O’Donnell, has led the foundation to become the success it is today. Our mission includes supporting amyloidosis patients and families while promoting research, education and awareness. Since 2005, we have awarded over $2.4 million in medical research grants to search for a cure.

AMYLOIDOSIS is a term that represents several different types of diseases where an abnormal protein called amyloid is produced. These amyloid protein fibers can attach and deposit into organs, tissues, nerves and other places in the body. When that happens, normal function of the area can be affected. As the amyloid protein increases, health problems and organ damage may occur. “OSIS” means increased, or an abnormal, supply of AMYLOID protein. Most of the amyloidosis diseases have different treatments; therefore, the correct diagnosis is extremely important. For more information, visit our website: