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Live Webinar: Accessible Marketing is Successful Marketing: Scale Your Marketing Efforts by Including Everyone

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One in four adults in the United States has some type of permanent disability, and a significantly higher proportion are likely to be affected by a situational or temporary disability in their lifetime. This session will dispel the myth that accessible marketing means talking about others’ needs or outliers from the “norm”. Not only is this language hurtful, offensive, and dismissive to individuals with disabilities, it is incorrect. The prevalence of situational, temporary, or permanent disabilities dictates that your digital marketing needs to be accessible to be effective.

This session will outline no-cost and low-cost tactics to incorporate to ensure your organization is marketing to everyone. Implementing relatively small tweaks to improve digital accessibility has the added benefit of improving user experience for all and increasing a site’s SEO and searchability—resulting in stronger ROI for your marketing efforts.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Gain an understanding of the prevalence of disabilities in our society, including permanent, situational, and temporary disabilities
  2. Learn about the negative impact a lack of accessibility in digital marketing can have on your reach, brand, and revenue
  3. Discuss and walk away with immediately actionable, no-cost or low-cost tactics that will make their digital marketing more accessible to any visitor, user, or member with a disability, thus expanding their reach and member experience
This program may be applied for 1 credit toward your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.

Live webinar participants must attend for a minimum of 30 minutes in order to be eligible for the CEUs associated with this program.


  • Laura Ludka, Senior Digital Manager, Smithbucklin

    Laura Ludka has more than 12 years of experience in digital marketing and communications for non-profit organizations, associations, and most recently, for Smithbucklin’s brand and corporate communications.

    Since joining Smithbucklin in 2015, Laura has held a diverse range of roles including serving clients with her digital marketing expertise, spearheading corporate marketing and technology initiatives, and contributing to internal accessibility, digital marketing, and technology task forces.

    Laura holds a Bachelor of Arts in English language and literature from Centre College in Danville, Ky. and a Master of Arts in cultural and educational policy studies from Loyola University Chicago.

March 7, 2024
Thu 12:00 PM CST

Duration 1H 0M

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