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EDU-40: QIAT Conversations: Which Comes First, AT Assessment or AT Consideration?

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ATiA 2024 Conference. Virtual Event. Live Jan 25-27 + recordings thru April 30th.

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AT Assessment and AT Consideration are crucial components of providing effective assistive technology (AT) services to students in special education. The close relationship between these two processes can sometimes lead to confusion when applying them in real-world scenarios. Recent discussions have further highlighted the need for clarity and consistency in implementing these processes. This working session aims to address these challenges by discussing Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology, sharing experiences and best practices, and developing resources to support decision-making and implementation of AT services for students in special education.

Session Content Disclosure: This session will focus on free resources from Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology (QIAT).

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe a minimum of two differences between AT Consideration and AT Assessment.
  2. Identify at least three essential components of AT Consideration and AT Assessment.
  3. Develop at least one scaffold to support the effective implementation of AT Consideration and AT Assessment.


Education & Learning: Early Intervention – 12/Higher Education; Leadership

Target Audience

Administrators; AT Specialists; Caregivers; Communication Specialist; Consumers/Individuals with Disabilities; Consultants/Trainers; Curriculum and Instruction; Disability Services; Educators; Faculty/Instructors - Higher Education; Family Members; Government/Non-Profit Agencies; Instructional Technologist; Media Specialist; Occupational Therapists; Paraprofessionals; Physical Therapists; Rehabilitation Counselor; Speech-Language Pathologists; Special Education Educators; Teachers of the Visually Impaired; Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing; Transition Coordinator; Visual Impairment Specialists; Vocational Rehabilitation

Experience Level

Introductory; Intermediate

Primary Life Cycle Addressed

Birth – Pre K; Elementary - Secondary (K-12)

Session Delivery Format

In-person presentation with live-stream

Course Schedule

This course was given at the ATIA 2024 Conference on Thursday, January 25 from 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM (EST)

Continuing Education Credits

For Satisfactory Completion and Continuing Education information, please visit: ATIA Online Education CEUs

This course is offered for the following CE Provider Credits:
For: 0.10 CEU Units or 1.0 CEU Hours


Brian Wojcik, Ed.D., ATP

Nebraska Assistive Technology Partnership, NE ATP Education Program Supervisor


Brian Wojcik currently works as the Education Program Supervisor for the Nebraska Assistive Technology Partnership within the Nebraska Department of Education. He has worked previously as Special Education Faculty at the University of Nebraska at Kearney and as the Coordinator of the Special Education Assistive Technology (SEAT) Center at Illinois State University. As an educator, Brian has been integrating technology to meet the needs of students with diverse learning needs for well over three decades. In his current position, Brian works to help educators build capacity for delivering quality AT services within Nebraska.

Relevant Financial Relationship: Yes
Brian works for and receives a salary from the Nebraska Assistive Technology Partnership which is part of Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation and resides within the Nebraska Department of Education. Brian works for and receives a salary from the Nebraska Assistive Technology Partnership which is part of Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation and resides within the Nebraska Department of Education.

Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: Yes
Brian is a member of the QIAT Leadership Team and the State Leaders of Assistive Technology in Education (SLATE).

Terry Foss, M.Ed.

Every Move Counts, Inc, Special Educator & AT Specialist


Terry Vernon Foss, M.Ed. Terry is a special educator and AT specialist. Her areas of expertise are: developmental differences; autism; severe to moderate differences in communication and behavior; sensory-based communication; and AT/AAC. She is co-author of Every Move Counts, Clicks and Chats: Sensory-Based Strategies for Communication and Assistive Technology, Every Move Counts, Clicks and Chats: A Family Guide for Sensory-Based Strategies for Communication and Assistive Technology. Terry lives in Kansas and continues to support the AT community. Terry is a founding member of the QIAT and of the Joy Zabala Fellowship.

Relevant Financial Relationship: Yes
Terry received royalties as an author.

Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: No

Kelly Fonner, BS, MS

Fonner Consulting, AT Consultant/Special Educator


Kelly is a self-employed consultant and trainer in assistive and educational technology. Since 1986, she has presented to schools, universities and families in 48 US states and internationally in Australia, Canada and South Africa. She presents on a wide range of topics including technology integration, augmentative communication, computer access, literacy, electronic writing, organizers, assistive technology assessment and implementation strategies.

Relevant Financial Relationship: Yes
Kelly does small contract work and training for educational agencies and for several AT companies, but is not a full-time employee of a company or receiving any compensation from those companies for presenting this content. She is the co-author of two Books on QIAT: Quality Indicators in Assistive Technology. Kelly is on the advisory committee to the ATIA Conference and receives compensation for her work at the event.

Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: Yes
Kelly is a volunteer leadership team member of QIAT, of Wisconsin AAC Network, and WATRN (Wisconsin Assistive Technology Regional Network). She is a member of CEC, ISTE, RESNA, and USSAAC/ISAAC.

Stacy Springer, MS, OTR/L, ATP

OCALI, Program Director, AT & AEM at OCALI


Stacy currently is the Program Director of the AT & AEM Center at OCALI. Stacy has over 20 years of experience working in a variety of school-based settings across the country, as a Special Education Teacher, Occupational Therapist, and Assistive Technology Specialist. She led the AT/AAC Team in Oakland Unified School District and facilitated a shift to MTSS service provision. Previously Stacy served as the AT specialist for SC Department of Education building capacity for developing AT teams at the local district level and providing technical assistance. Stacy served on the AOTA workgroup of leaders in State Departments. She was an inaugural mentor for the Joy Zabala Fellowship in Assistive Technology & Accessible Educational Materials.

Relevant Financial Relationship: Yes
Stacy works for and receives a salary from OCALI through the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio (ESCCO).

Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: Yes
Stacy is a member of the QIAT Leadership Team, AOTA, and RESNA.