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Bath Furniture

In this course you will learn:
Beautiful furniture pieces no longer are the exclusive province of the living room, dining room or bedroom. Bathroom furniture has become mainstream. In this course you will learn about the different types of bathroom furniture, how they are constructed, how to sell them, and much more.

Learning Objectives:
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
  • Emphasize how easy it is to sell bath furniture and vanities for the bath.
  • Define common types of wood used to make bath furniture and their characteristics.
  • Understand cabinet door, and drawer construction used to make bath furniture.
  • Describe the features that differentiate high-end products from premium and commodity offerings.
  • Describe common types of tops used in bath furniture and their characteristics.
  • Define and understand appropriate bath furniture terminology.
A score of at least 90% is required to pass, and questions are selected from a pool and will show in random order. Participants may retake the test until they pass, and the questions will pull from the pool in random order with each retake. 
This course is sponsored by:

Each module within this chapter will feature pages from our education manual, as well as an assessment to test the knowledge that you have acquired. Our education manuals can be found here.